Zonta Club of Gaylord Area
Service ClubsNon-Profit Organizations
You are invited, 5:30 p.m. on the Fourth Tuesday of each month at the Otsego County Library.
Driving Directions:
The Library is located at 700 S. Otsego Ave. Park and enter on the North side of the building. We typically meet in the first room to your right. If not, they may have moved us upstairs this month.
About Us
Add your voice, help empower women worldwide. Join Zonta and become part of a greater movement to help women locally and around the world. More info also on Facebook and www.Zonta.org
Rep/Contact Info
View Personal BioAmber TheriaultCheck us out at our next business meeting. We meet 5:30 P.M the third Monday each month at the Otsego County Library. Join Zonta and become part of a greater movement to help women in your local community and around the world. In our hearts, as Zontians, we strongly believe in gender equality and know that it is not right to treat women as second-class citizens. Women’s rights are human rights and too often, women are denied basic human rights. This is not okay and as Zontians we want to change this. Zontians envision a world in which every woman has equal opportunities to reach her full potential and participate in leadership. In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence.Tell a Friend
Building Business. Building Community.